Are you a Kenyan landowner seeking expert guidance on the proposed land levy? F.M Muteti & Company Advocates, a leading land law firm in Nairobi, can help. We have extensive experience in real estate law, conveyancing, and property law, and are dedicated to protecting your interests.

This article, brought to you by F.M Muteti & Company Advocates, aims to clarify the details of this levy and its potential implications.

What is the Proposed Land Levy?

The Land Laws (Amendment) (No. 2) Bill of 2023 proposes an annual levy on freehold land located within urban or city areas. This means that owners of such land would be required to pay an annual fee to the government.

Why should you be concerned?

While seemingly simple, this levy raises several concerns:

  • Impact on Ancestral Land and Livelihoods: Many freehold properties in urban areas are derived from ancestral land and crucial for basic livelihoods. Owners, often unaware of their land falling within city boundaries, may struggle to afford the additional tax burden as a result of this new land law in Kenya.
  • Potential for Discrimination: The proposed levy solely targets freehold land, potentially infringing on the rights of freehold owners who already pay various taxes like rates and income tax.
  • Misinterpretation of Land Ownership: Freehold land signifies absolute ownership, and owners are not “tenants” of the government. Therefore, charging an annual levy akin to rent raises questions about the true nature of the charge and its legality.

What can you do?

If you own freehold land within an urban or city area and have concerns about the proposed levy, consulting with an experienced land law lawyer in Kenya is crucial. F.M Muteti & Company Advocates, a leading law firm in Nairobi with extensive experience in land law, can help you understand your rights and explore potential legal options.

Contact F.M Muteti & Company Advocates today for a consultation and expert guidance on navigating this complex issue.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Please consult with a qualified lawyer for personalized legal guidance.